Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm Back!!!

For those of you who did not know, my girlfriend has been very sick for the past 2 months.
Doctor's visits, grocery shopping, medical research and an overactive mothering instinct have kept me completely drained for several weeks.
Fortunately, the new medication ($75 for 10 days!) is working great and her weight is up from 94lbs. to 102lbs. in the past 4 days:)

In all honesty, I did very little MFA work and spent almost no time in the studio.
I had a good week in the studio this week.

Thanks Lynda for passing along some wisdom about creating every day, no matter what, just get into the studio and do something!

1 comment:

Lynda Schlosberg said...

Hey Coe!

Glad you're back. I hope your girlfriend continues to be on the mend. 94 pounds sounds downright dangerous.

Just remember, even if you only get in 15 minutes a day - it'll help just get your mojoe going!

Can't wait to see new things!
