Sunday, April 13, 2008


Sometimes you just have to play:)

When I was about 5 years old, I lived in an old house with big cast iron radiators.
They would hiss and steam and leak all the time. So one day I made the logical leap that seems so simple for a small child:
the radiator is hot -
heat melts things -
crayons melt-
So . . .
I took an entire box of 64 Crayolas, (the kind with the built in sharpener)
and melted them, one by one, on my radiator, dripping and melting and mixing all the way down to the floor.
I thought it was it was beautiful, my father did not share my concept of artistic genius.

In the dead of winter, he shut off the heat and handed me a bag of steel wool to scrub away my colorful experiment.

If only I had a radiator . . . . until I find one . . .

1 comment:

Monique Kleinhans said...

I share your vision of the beauty of a good melted crayon! ;)

What a fun blog! Glad I stumbled upon it!